2017-2018 Symposium


2018 marks the 150th Anniversary of the enactment of the 14th Amendment, which the Supreme Court of the United States has interpreted to develop protections for many formerly unrepresented and unprotected persons in the nation. Developments in civil rights, equal protection, citizenship, and other areas of constitutional law arose out of its enactment and our nation is continually changed as a result.

In this Symposium, the LSU Law Center through the Louisiana Law Review, the Pugh Institute for Justice, and legal historians and scholars from across the country gather to discuss and analyze these important, complex, controversial, and evolving legal issues. The Symposium features renowned scholars and judges, including Professor Paul Finkelman, Professor Bertrall Ross, Professor Mark Summers, Professor D. Wendy Brown Scott, Professor Earl Maltz, Professor Orville Vernon Burton, Professor Seth Davis, Professor Nicholas Stephanopoulos, Professor Michael Higginbotham, Judge Bernice Donald, and others, such as noted author Keith Weldon Medley and journalist Alysa Landry. Professors and scholars from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center will moderate panels of these scholars and writers and assist us in addressing these issues.

Videos from the Symposium can be accessed by clicking each of the below segments.

Panel 1: History of the Fourteenth Amendment

  • Judge Bernice Donald, United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
  • Professor Christopher Green, Associate Professor of Law and H.L.A. Hart Scholar in Law and Philosophy at the University of Mississippi School of Law
  • Professor Earl Maltz, Distinguished Professor at Rutgers School of Law
  • Professor Orville Vernon Burton, Creativity Professor of Humanities, Professor of History, Pan-African Studies, Sociology, and Computer Science at Clemson University
  • Keith Weldon Medley, Author of We as Freemen: Plessy v. Ferguson

Panel 2: Citizenship

  • Professor Paul Finkelman, Fulbright Chair in Human Rights and Social Justice at the University of Ottawa, Canada; John E. Murray Visiting Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law
  • Professor Gabriel “Jack” Chin, Edward L. Barrett Jr. Chair and Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law at the University of California, Davis School of Law
  • Journalist Alysa Landry, Journalist and English Instructor at Navajo Technical University

Panel 3: Equal Protection

  • Professor Mark Summers, Thomas D. Clark Chair in History at the University of Kentucky
  • Professor Seth Davis, Assistant Professor of Law at University of California Irvine School of Law
  • Professor Bertrall Ross, Chancellor’s Professor of Law at Berkeley Law
  • Professor D. Wendy Greene, Professor at Samford Cumberland School of Law

Panel 4: Future of the Fourteenth Amendment

  • Professor Michael Higginbotham, Joseph Curtis Professor of Law and former Interim Dean, University of Baltimore School of Law
  • Professor Wendy Brown Scott, Professor of Law at North Carolina Central School of Law


Louisiana Law Review