Can I Get a Witness?: Medical Billing Expert Testimony and the Inability to Affect Damage Awards

by Catherine Rutherford


Under Louisiana law, medical expenses incurred alongside litigation are presumed to be reasonable if causally linked to the accident.[1] Medical bills in Louisiana do not need to appear reasonable to be admitted into evidence as true, reasonable, and correct.[2] Despite practitioners contending that victims must provide evidence that the hospital expenses incurred were reasonable,[3] Louisiana courts neither regularly  require this evidence from plaintiffs nor regularly allow defendants to admit contradictory evidence of unreasonable expenses for the truth of the matter.[4]

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Louisiana Law Review 2022 Symposium


The Louisiana Law Review’s 2022 Symposium will explore the history, impact, and future of Title IX largely with respect to American universities.

In this Symposium, legal practitioners and scholars from across the country will gather on a virtual platform to discuss and analyze a variety of issues relating to the Title IX with a focus on its treatment in the media over time, its intersection with a variety of issues in college athletics, and the impact that it has on sexual violence protection on campuses.

This event can count for 4 CLE Credit Hours.

Course Title: On the Basis of Sex: 50 Years of Title IX, Course #: 5170220211

Registration Link:

LSU Law Symposium Website Link:


Looking Forward After Kennedy v. Bremerton School District

by Jack Ruello


In the summer of 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District significantly changed the rights of many Americans by expanding the protection of the Free Exercise Clause. Historically, there has been tension between the Free Exercise Clause and the Establishment Clause with respect to balancing the rights of a person’s freedom to practice their religion against the public’s interest in separation of church and state.[1] The Free Exercise Clause grants Americans the right to practice any religion of their choosing, if any at all.[2] Incidentally, the Establishment Clause prohibits the government from favoring one religion over another by mandating a separation of church and state.[3] The facts in Bremerton also bring the Free Speech Clause into play due to the bifurcated nature of analyzing free speech.[4] This Blog Post will analyze the implications arising from the Court’s decision in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District.

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Volume 83, Issue 1

Complete Index of Volume 83, Issue 1


Commander-in-Chief Authority and the Religious Rights of Service Members in Crisis Times: The Vaccine Mandate as a Call for Reincorporating the Standing Army Fears in Jurisprudence and Depoliticizing the Bench


Lily Pavy

Cooking Caremark? Amendment to Delaware General Corporation Law Permits Exculpation of Corporate Executive Officers

by Blake Vick


For several decades, Delaware law has permitted corporations to eliminate or limit corporate directors’ personal liability to the corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages arising from breaches of a director’s fiduciary duty of care.[1] This corporate elimination or limitation of directors’ personal liability is known as exculpation. Traditionally, Delaware law permitted exculpation from personal liability only as to directors.[2] Corporate exculpation of director liability has become “ubiquitous” in the 35-plus years since its introduction to corporate law.[3] Effective August 1, 2022, Section 102(b)(7) of the Delaware General Corporation Law has been amended to extend the traditional, director-only exculpation allowance.[4] Per the amendment, Delaware corporations may now exculpate from personal liability both corporate directors and certain executive officers.[5]

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