Volume 81 Junior Associates Announced!

The Louisiana Law Review Volume 81 Board of Editors and Senior Associates would like to extend our congratulations to the newly selected Volume 81 Junior Associates. It is a great honor to be selected as a Junior Associate, and we are very excited to introduce them to you!

The Louisiana Law Review Editorial Board and Senior Associates welcome the following:

Camille Arceneaux

Kennedy Beal

Heidi Bieber

Madeleine Breaux

Caroline Campagna

Andrew Chenevert

Gabrielle Domangue

Alex Domingue

Natalie Earles

Sydney Galinski

Sara Grasch

Olivia Guidry

Emma Looney

Patrick McDonald

Victoria Montanio

Chaz Morgan

Brennan O’Keefe

Bradley Oster

Austin Pottorff

Marina Speligene

Harper Street

Casey Thibodeaux

Christopher Vidrine

Justin Ware

Andrew Young

Volume 81 Board Announced!

The Louisiana Law Review Volume 80 Board of Editors is proud to announce the Junior Associates selected to serve on the Volume 81 Board of Editors. The Volume 80 Board received excellent candidates for the Volume 81 Board, and we thank everyone who applied. Serving on the Louisiana Law Review Board of Editors is an incredible honor, and we wish the best of luck to the Volume 81 Board!


David Judd


Managing Editor

Addison Hollis


Articles Editors

Kendall Dicke

Hayden Presley


Production Editors

Luke St. Germain

Laura Tracy


Executive Senior Editor

Brittany Williams


Senior Editors

Mallory Guillot

Emily Hickman

Elyce Ieyoub

Andrew Jarreau

Zachary Lester


Online Editor

Andrew Crayden

Volume 82, Issue 4

Complete Index of Volume 82, Issue 4


Secured Interests in Louisiana Mineral Rights


Olivia Guidry

Forcing the Issue: It’s Time for the Legislature to Clarify what art. 1493(E)Legitime-tely Means

by Bill Milburn, Senior Associate

I. Introduction

John Doe has twins, Jane and John Jr. John is an oil tycoon who always fancied himself as a sort of renaissance man. In order to emboss his name in history, he draws up a testament leaving everything he owns to his state’s flagship university. Jane and John Jr. are deeply hurt and quickly challenge the testament under the laws of forced heirship. Jane and John Jr. are both 30 years old and afflicted with mental illnesses. Jane currently works as a file clerk for a local law firm, but she struggles to keep a job because of her bi-polar disorder, which she likely inherited from her father, that renders her bedridden once every 6–12 months. John Jr. is a war veteran who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”). Similar to Jane, he struggles to sustain employment due to bouts of permanent incapacitation relating to his PTSD. Jane and John Jr. have the same fundamental problem: their mental illnesses prevent them from effectively taking care of themselves and administering their estates.[1] A layperson applying common sense may very well believe that no matter what the law of forced heirship is, it likely treats both Jane and John Jr. the same—either they are both forced heirs, or neither is a forced heir. Sadly, this is not the case. In the eyes of the law, only Jane is a forced heir. Why? Not because she needs the assistance more than her brother, but merely because her mental illness is inherited.[2] Continue reading

Registering To Do Business At The Price Of General Jurisdiction

by Justin DiCharia, Senior Associate


To be sued for any reason, by any person, within a state where a corporation is not incorporated or headquartered seems an absurd fantasy following the United States Supreme Court decisions in both Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown[1] and Daimler AG v. Bauman.[2] Such a fantasy drifts into the realm of reality, however, in courts where the ghost of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ opinions in Pennsylvania Fire[3] and Robert Mitchell[4] live on. The 1917 Pennsylvania Fire ruling allowed an Arizona corporation to sue a Pennsylvania company in Missouri on a personal jurisdiction theory that would today equate to general jurisdiction.[5] Because the Pennsylvania corporation registered to do business within Missouri—a common statutory prerequisite to conducting business in most states—which required the corporation to appoint an agent for service for “all proceedings that may be instituted against such company in any court of this state,”[6] the Court found that the corporation took on the risk that Missouri may interpret the statute as allowing service, and then jurisdiction, for suits not arising out of contacts within the state.[7] Four years following Pennsylvania Fire, Justice Holmes wrote the majority opinion in Robert Mitchell and found that “[u]nless the state law [requiring appointment of a statutory agent] either expressly or by local construction gives to the appointment a larger scope, we should not construe it to extend to suits in respect of business transacted by the foreign corporation elsewhere.”[8] If  Pennsylvania Fire and Robert Mitchell remain good law, as some courts believe,[9] statutes requiring corporations to register to do business by appointing an agent for service or explicitly requiring consent to general jurisdiction are constitutional. There is, however, substantial concern among federal and state courts over the constitutionality of these statutes following Goodyear and Daimler.[10]

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