
The Louisiana Law Review is open to submissions and invites the submission of legal articles and essays, commentaries on legislation or cases, and book reviews. All authors should take note of the following items on the Law Review’s publication policy:

  1. Submitted articles must not have been previously published.
  2. The Board of Editors reserves the right to make such alterations in style and format as it considers necessary.
  3. Textual style and usage should conform to Bryan Garner’s The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style (4th ed. 2018).
  4. Footnotes should conform to the Louisiana Citation and Style Manual and The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020).
  5. Consistent with our continuing efforts to improve journal quality, we prefer articles under 25,000 words, including footnotes. We reserve the right to publish longer manuscripts under exceptional circumstances.

The Louisiana Law Review encourages authors to make submissions electronically. For Volume 85, please send submissions by email to in Microsoft Word format or through Scholastica using the link below.


Please send hard-copy submissions to:

Louisiana Law Review
Articles Editor
Paul M. Hebert Law Center
1 E. Campus Dr., Room W114
Baton Rouge, LA 70803