Unmasking Liability: Analyzing the Effect of Public Health Emergencies on Medical Malpractice Law in the Wake of COVID-19

by Mark Ackal


The COVID-19 pandemic brought on events thought impossible. Stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, and other restrictions that seemed unimaginable became a part of everyday life for all Louisianians. Arguably, no other group was affected more than health care professionals, who saw a substantial increase in demand for their services coupled with a dramatic spike in hospitalizations.[1] With this increased pressure and workload came an increased chance of malpractice.[2] Given the particularly daunting battle medical professionals were fighting, Governor John Bel Edwards implemented emergency protocols which seemingly barred malpractice actions.[3] Continue reading

2022-23: Let’s Get Fiscal: Contemporary Considerations in Taxation and the Law


The Louisiana Law Review Volume 83 Symposium, entitled “Let’s Get Fiscal: Contemporary Considerations in Taxation and the Law,” will be held in the McKernan Auditorium at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center on February 10, 2023, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m. This year’s Symposium seeks to present various topics in tax law and policy.

The Volume 83 Symposium speakers include tax professionals with various backgrounds in tax. Attendees can expect to hear from a United States Tax Court Judge; a Senior Litigation Counsel for the Department of Justice Tax Division; a sales and use tax specialist; an attorney from the Louisiana Internal Revenue Service; a co-owner and partner at Advantous Consulting, LLC; and  professors from LSU Law and Harvard Law. Each of these individuals will present on tax topics within their area of specialty. The Symposium will conclude with a Q/A panel. Our hope is that this panel will steward open dialogue about contemporary considerations in tax law and policy, and give the audience an opportunity to interact with speakers.

Please join the Louisiana Law Review Volume 83 on February 10, 2023, for this year’s Symposium on tax.

Louisiana Law Review’s symposium has been approved for 4 hour(s) of credit.

Course Title: Let’s Get Fiscal: Contemporary Considerations in Taxation and the Law, Course #: 5170230210

Registration Linkhttps://law.lsu.edu/forms/symposium/

LSU Law Symposium Website Link: https://law.lsu.edu/symposium/

Volume 84, Issue 1


Arseny Shevelev and Georgy Shevelev

Henry H. Perritt Jr.

Carte Blanche: SCOTUS Issues a Puzzling Decision on Texas and Louisiana’s Challenge to the Biden Administration’s Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1226 and § 1231

by James M. Truett


I received a letter just before I left office from a man. I don’t know why he chose to write it, but I’m glad he did. He wrote that you can go to live in France, but you can’t become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Italy, but you can’t become a German, an Italian. He went through Turkey, Greece, Japan and other countries. But he said anyone, from any corner of the world, can come to live in the United States and become an American.[1] Continue reading

Spilling the Deceitful Tea: Navigating the Flavor Versus Ingredient Debate Amidst Kominis v. Starbucks Corporation


by Madeline A. Earles

Louisiana’s incredibly rich and diverse culture is often reflected through the unique cuisine throughout the state. Of Louisiana’s varying customs and traditions, a world-renowned gift remains at the heart of Louisiana cooking—Cajun cuisine. The ever-growing popularity of Cajun cuisine coupled with modern advancements in the culinary sphere has led to the use of Cajun seasoning without making a trip down the bayou to Cajun country. A multitude of brands sell the ill-defined, premade Cajun seasoning in a jar, each adding its own unique spin on the ingredients.[1] With each brand providing its own spin on the seasoning, one cannot truly define what Cajun seasoning is or distinctively list a specific ingredient flavor present in the product. The differing ingredients of these brands along with a lack of consensus on flavor allow Cajun seasoning brands—who are responsible for the formulation, manufacturing, marketing, naming, advertising, and sale of its products—great freedom in the distribution of such products. However, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York’s rejection to dismiss reasonable consumer claims potentially affects this freedom where the flavor versus ingredient debate is set to continue.[2] Continue reading